MH370 Search Area Expanded

Business & Finance

The search for missing Malaysian Airline MH370 has now covered more than 75 percent of the seafloor in the initial search area.

In its yesterday’s operational update, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) informed that the search plan has been modified to enable continuous search operations during winter and to ensure that the entire 120,000 square kilometre area is searched as quickly and effectively as possible.

According to ATSB the search into the expanded area has already begun, with search efforts focused in the south to take advantage of the last of the usable weather in that area.

Expert advice is that the highest probability of locating the aircraft is within the 120,000 square kilometre search area. Beyond that, it is not possible to refine the search area to one of greater likelihood.

The Search Strategy Working Group continues to review evidence associated with MH370 which may result in further refinement of the search area.

In the event the aircraft is found and accessible, Australia, Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China have agreed to plans for recovery activities including securing all the evidence necessary for the accident investigation.

Source: ATSB