Keynvor MorLift Expands ROV Fleet


Keynvor MorLift Ltd has added a second Saab Seaeye Cougar XT to their ROV fleet. 

Keynvor MorLift (KML) specialises in deploying Cougars for operational, installation and maintenance work at tidal energy project sites in the UK and Northern Europe, Saab Seaeye wrote.

Being able to work in a strong tidal flow extends our working window deep into the tidal ranges,” says Business Manager Bobbie Stone, “and the Cougar has helped us achieve improved results, even when fitted with a tooling skid.”

We chose to acquire another Cougar,” Bobbie adds, “because it’s unrivalled in its class for the type of subsea work we frequently carry out, particularly in high energy sites. It has good intervention capability with specialist tooling and it provides great value for money for its capacity.”

In addition to work at tidal generation installations, KML’s Cougars are used for subsea tasks, such as general survey, light work duties, subsea installation, recoveries and salvage, along with the deployment and monitoring of specialist subsea survey/research equipment, including acoustic doppler current profilers, known as ADCPs.

“KML has its own fleet of vessels and whereas the first Cougar system was integrated into one of those, the new Cougar has its own customised container system. This means it can be deployed from any vessel, even a small workboat, either supplied from KML’s own fleet or sourced locally – resulting in reduced costs and increased flexibility for KML clients,” Bobbie Stone explained.