DanTysk Substation Set to Leave Strukton Hollandia Construction Site

DanTysk Substation Set to Leave Construction Site of Strukton Hollandia

The 155/33-kilovolt offshore substation and jacket are ready to leave the construction yard of Strukton Hollandia in Krimpen aan den IJssel near Rotterdam any day now. The jacket will provide a platform for the substation 45m above the seabed in a water depth of 26m.

Their final destination is 70km offshore, west of the island of Sylt, directly under the border between the German and Danish sectors.

The substation, which will form the heart of the DanTysk wind park, is one of the most modern to be installed off the German coast. It will collect power from 80 wind turbines and provide the hub for the onward transport of the energy via a submarine cable to the transfer station at Büttel in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.


Offshore WIND staff, July 12, 2013