UK: Atlantic Array OWF Application Accepted for Examination

UK: Atlantic Array OWF Application Accepted for Examination

The Planning Inspectorate has announced that the application from Channel Energy Ltd for the proposed Atlantic Array offshore wind farm has been accepted, by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, for examination.

The application for the proposed offshore wind farm was submitted on 14 June 2013 and the decision to accept the application to proceed has been made in accordance with section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011).

The proposed development which would be located in English and Welsh waters within the Bristol Channel, approximately 15.5 km from the north Devon coast, 22 km from the south Wales coast and 13.5 km from the nearest point on Lundy Island, is the first cross-boundary scheme to be examined by the Planning Inspectorate.

It comprises the construction and operation of up to 240 wind turbine generators (WTGs) with a maximum tip height of up to 220 metres, up to four offshore substations, up to five meteorological stations, inter-array cables that collect and transfer power generated by the WTGs to the offshore substations and export cables that take the electricity generated by the WTGs to shore.

When considering whether or not to accept an application for examination the Secretary of State has regard to the application documents submitted, any adequacy of consultation representations received from local authorities, and the extent to which the developer has had regard to any guidance issued. Other matters relating to the application will be considered by the Examining Authority during the examination and interested parties will have an opportunity take part in that process and make representations if they wish.

The acceptance to proceed decision and a copy of the application can be viewed at the Atlantic offshore wind farm project page on the National Infrastructure website.

It is now for the applicant, Channel Energy Ltd, to publicise the fact that its application has been accepted to proceed to examination and invite people who are interested in the proposal to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party by making a relevant representation.

Once the period for registering as an Interested Party to make relevant representations has opened, people will be able to register with the Planning Inspectorate easily on the National Infrastructure website and completing the online ‘Registration and Relevant Representation form’. Alternatively, those without internet access may call the Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directorate helpline: 0303 444 5000 for a printed registration form.

Sir Michael Pitt, Chief Executive, Planning Inspectorate said: “After careful consideration we have decided on behalf of the Secretary of State that the application submitted by Channel Energy Ltd met the required tests set out in the legislation to be accepted for examination.”

Sir Michael added: “The applicant must now decide when to publicise the fact that its application has been accepted to proceed to examination and announce when members of the public will be able to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party in the application.”

Interested parties in an application can:

  • Say what they agree or disagree with in the application and why
  • Comment on what other people have said in their representations
  • Attend a Preliminary Meeting and say how they think the application should be examined
  • Request that an open floor hearing is held
  • Attend and request to speak at open floor or issue-specific hearings should one be held.


Press release, July 12, 2013; Image: RWE