Crowd Energy to Build Another Generation Turbine (USA)

Business & Finance

Crowd Energy, having completed construction and successful testing of its first generation prototype of the Ocean Energy Turbine, will launch a major Kickstarter campaign in March 2014 to construct a second generation turbine and move the project to (SNMREC) Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center at Florida Atlantic University for verification and open water testing.

Crowd Energy to Build Another Generation Turbine (USA)

The Ocean Energy Turbine is so important because it is the first renewable energy system designed to effectively harness ocean currents on a commercial scale. Globally, ocean currents have the power necessary to completely replace the world’s dependance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. The Ocean Energy Turbine project brings this yet untapped clean renewable energy source within reach of a world starving for energy.

Ocean energy has a substantial advantage over wind power and solar power. The quantity of energy available from ocean energy greatly exceeds that of wind and solar. Ocean energy production is also a consistent reliable source of energy, whereas solar and wind power are limited by the availability of sun and wind.

Crowd Energy is going to Kickstarter to raise $75,000 to construct the second generation turbine and a laminar flow test tank. If the funding goal is exceeded, there are a number of “Stretch Goals” that will allow Crowd Energy to accelerate development of the Ocean Energy Turbine.

Rather than seek corporate funding for expansion of the Ocean Energy Turbine project, Crowd Energy is turning to Kickstarter where it can be funded by Eco minded individuals who understand that it is all of our responsibility to support a responsible and sustainable transition to renewable energy.

“Kickstarter’s are a very intelligent group of people who selflessly make what they care about possible. They generally have a technical or environmental background mixed with a strong passion for the arts. We could not ask for a better group of people to support us in our efforts to make their world a better place to live.”

Todd Janca, the founder of Crowd Energy and the inventor of the Ocean Energy Turbine grew up at Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory in Jamaica and has logged a considerable amount of time on the sea floor piloting Research Submersibles assisting in scientific research.

“When doing research, It was always a battle to keep the submarine in one location due to the massive amount of force from the ocean currents. Imagine giant rivers flowing on the seafloor. This is how the idea of the Ocean Energy Turbine originated.”

The Ocean Energy Turbine is also unique because the Company started with marine ecology and preservation as the primary design criteria and then worked within those boundaries to design a highly functional and highly efficient turbine that would not negatively impact the marine environment.

(SNMREC) Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center at Florida Atlantic University has signed a MOU with Crowd Energy to support development of the Ocean Energy Turbine and to provide an open water test site where the Ocean Energy Turbine can be scientifically evaluated in ocean currents off the coast of south Florida.

Crowd Energy has attracted attention from top industry professionals in renewable energy. Most recently Crowd Energy has been invited to meet with renewable energy heroes “The Solutions Project” founded by Mark Jacobson, Mark Ruffalo, Marco Krapels, and Josh Fox.

With the implementation of EU2030 and EU2050 Energy & Climate Policy, ocean energy is slated to become a major component in moving the world toward clean renewable energy. According to the United Kingdom’s Carbon Trust, the ocean energy market is expected to reach more than $500 billion by 2050. With Crowd Energy’s proven technology in ocean energy, and faithful backing from its supporters at Kickstarter, it will be a forerunner in clean renewable ocean energy production.


Press Release, February 06, 2014