Registration Open for Digital Hydrography on the Maritime Web Conference

Business & Finance

Registration Open for Digital Hydrography on the Maritime Web Conference

Speakers from Denmark, Germany, France, UK and the US are among leading experts presenting seminal papers at the two-day Digital Hydrography on the Maritime Web conference at Southampton Solent University Conference Centre on 29-30 October.

Organised by The Hydrographic Society UK and supported by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS), registration is now open for the event which is expected to attract a wide international audience. It will review progress made, and steps still to be taken, by hydrographers to support moves towards a maritime web, commonly known as e-navigation.

Main conference session topics are The User’s Perspective, Products – Quality & Presentation, Survey & Innovation, and Training for All. Keynote addresses for the topics will be provided by Capt Harry Gale of the Nautical Institute, Rear-Admiral Nick Lambert, former UK National Hydrographer, Hydrographer of the Navy Capt Stephen Malcolm, and Nicolas Seube, Chairman-elect of the Joint IHO-FIG-ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors & Nautical Cartographers.

The agenda also includes a series of joint IHO-IFHS stakeholder forums at which all interested parties are invited to contribute. Among those expected to participate in one of four planned sessions is Capt Peter Kortenoeven, Hydrographer of the Netherlands and current Chairman of IC-ENC, a regional ENC Co-ordinating Centre with offices in Australia and the UK.

Available support facilities include opportunities to participate in a small table-top exhibition in addition to those for sponsorship presently being provided by ESRI and QPS.

Press Release, September 17, 2013