Germany: Working Group on XXL Products Brings Industry and Science Together

Research & Development

Germany: Working Group on XXL Products Brings Industry and Science Together

Members of the Working Group on XXL products have scheduled their next meeting on Tuesday, 5th of November from 9 to 16:30hrs in Bremerhaven. Interested companies and research institutions can register for attendance until Friday, 25th of October.

The host of this Working Group’s meeting is the WeserWind company, while the event is organized by the Institute of Integrated Production Hannover (IPH). Under the title “Innovative Manufacturing Concepts for XXL Products”, the participants will discuss the manufacture of offshore wind turbines, container ships, aircraft, surface mining equipment etc.

In that context, Dr. Sigurd Weise of the WeserWind Offshore Construction will speak about the serial production of foundation structures for offshore wind turbines. This time, the company is the host of the Working Group and one of the experts in the field, since in its production facility in Bremerhaven offshore foundation structures (tripods and jackets) are produced in series. These are the foundations with which offshore wind turbines are anchored to the seabed. And wind turbines are not the only ones that must be anchored to the seabed. Namely,  the transformer stations, in which the current is generated off the coast, and then converted to high voltage, are also anchored to the seafloor.

Manufacturers and suppliers of XXL products and research institutions dealing scientifically with this topic can participate in the meetings. Interested companies and institutions can get to know the Working Group for free. From the second meeting, an annual membership fee will be charged.


Offshore WIND Staff, October 3, 2013; Image: WeserWind