Carnegie: Australian Science Agency Reports Significance of Wave Energy

Business & Finance

Carnegie: Australian Science Agency Reports Significance of Wave Energy

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited announces a new report from Australia’s national science agency highlighting the significant role that wave energy can play in Australia’s future energy mix.

The study, carried out by the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), concluded that the total near shore wave energy between Geraldton and Tasmania was some 1300TWh/year or about five times Australia’s total energy demand.

Importantly the report highlights not only the enormous size of the resource but also its significantly higher consistency and predictability when compared with wind energy, with a high confidence of predictability some 3 days in advance.

Carnegie’s Project Development Officer, Tim Sawyer, said, “The CSIRO report confirms that Australia has a truly world class wave energy resource on its doorstep that is currently untapped. Carnegie is leading the charge to commercialise this renewable resource via its world-leading Perth Wave Energy Project at Garden Island in Western Australia and through the ongoing studies in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.”

“Carnegie looks forward to continuing to work with the CSIRO in the future to address the research issues identified and further develop the potential for commercial wave energy in Australia.”

The report was undertaken by CSIRO’s Wealth from Oceans and Energy Transformed Flagships and included an analysis of the resource, cost to market, technologies and future take-up projections by oceanographers, engineers, economists. It also engaged the ocean energy industry and related sectors.

Subsea World News Staff , July 26, 2012;  Image: Carnegie