UAE: DolWin Structure Components in Position

UAE DolWin Structure in Position (2)

Drydocks World lifted the 10,000-tonne topside of the first gravity base of the semi-submersible and world’s largest offshore HVDC platform structure DolWin beta to a height of 52.8 metres from the dock bottom.

On Saturday the substructure was moved in position under the topside. Project Director at Aibel, Kjetil V. Jacobsen, reported that the mating operation so far has gone as planned. The weather has been good, with very little wind. The last part of the operation will be to lower the topside on to the substructure.

The jacking-up started last week.

UAE DolWin Structure in Position

His Excellency Khamis Juma Buamim, Chairman of Drydocks World & Maritime World said, “We have taken our engineering excellence to greater heights through this unique and remarkable feat. It is a significant first and speaks volumes of our strengths in terms of technical capabilities. I am sure that the future will bring even more challenging assignments and we will handle them with equal ease. This heavy lift is a hallmark anywhere in the world and in our involvement with offshore projects. In the months ahead we look forward to greater achievements in our operations which will place us on par, if not ahead, with the best in the business.”


Offshore WIND staff, December 9, 2013; Image: abel