USA: Subsea Radio Users Group Formally Launched at OTC Expands Uptake of Subsea Radio-Frequency

Business & Finance

The newly formed Subsea Radio Users Group, formally launched at  the Offshore Technology Conference, Reliant Park, Houston, TX. As a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Houston, TX, the Subsea Radio User Group (or SRUG) will be dedicated to defining the standards and guiding future adoption of the rapidly expanding uptake of subsea radio-frequency in the Oil and Gas industry.

The Oil and Gas industry is experiencing a new wave of interest in radio technology and how it is being used in challenging subsea applications. Successful deployments in recent years are driving more interest in how radio frequency technology can be used to overcome performance issues with traditional underwater communications techniques, or can increase confidence when combined as hybrid solutions.

The set up of the Subsea Radio User Group (SRUG) has been borne of the need to promote and direct the use of radio-frequency technology for subsea communication, navigation, networking, location, metrology and sensing. There are currently no standards in place for use of radio subsea, so the organization will develop and define these standards to facilitate wireless equipment interoperability across the industry. SRUG will also engage with industry bodies to encourage the integration of radio with other wireless and wired technologies and promote best practice across the industry. SRUG will be a forum for new ideas to be shared, and for business connections to be made. Members will be ahead of industry trends, setting the agenda for others to follow.

Founding members of the organization are: Yokagawa, WFS Technologies, HIMA, Contros Systems & Solutions GmbH, Monitor Systems Scotland and Saab Seaeye with representatives from every point in the supply chain waiting to come on board: Operators, Systems integrators, Control systems, Vehicle manufacturers and Sensor manufacturers.

Members of the SRUG will have access to a range of materials and activities including; documentation regarding standards, white papers, workshops at a discounted rate; quarterly membership meetings; eligibility for nomination and election to the Board of Directors, participation on advisory committees; technical assistance from other Member organizations and access to a “soon to be launched” members-only website and newsletter.

Source: SRUG, May 04, 2011;