Nord Stream Expands Protection of Baltic Sea Ecosystem (Germany)

Protection of the sensitive Baltic Sea ecosystem will be expanded: Effective today, environmental organisations WWF, BUND (Friends of the Earth), and NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) – together with Nord Stream AG and the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will begin close collaboration as part of the Conservation Foundation German Baltic.

Improving the protection of the Baltic Sea ecosystem is a matter of great importance to all of us. The foundation now provides us with an organisation equipped with the necessary resources and capabilities in order to ensure environmental protection and conservation,” said Dirk von Ameln, Permitting Director of Nord Stream AG.

The foundation, headquartered in Greifswald, will be devoted exclusively to promoting environmental protection and nature conservancy in the German Baltic region. This will primarily involve either funding or conducting environmental protection measures and projects that improve the ecological stability or regenerative ability of the marine environment, and which contribute toward the reduction or degradation of eutrophying1 contaminants or pollutants. In addition, habitats and reserves for rare and protected species will be created or improved.

The endowment capital provided by Nord Stream AG amounts to a total of 10 million euros. This includes five million euros earmarked for the realisation of measures corresponding to the foundation’s purpose. The remaining five million euros constitutes the necessary nominal capital of the foundation.

Jochen Lamp from WWF Germany will serve as chairman. Corinna Cwielag, from BUND Mecklenburg, will serve as first deputy. Dirk von Ameln, from Nord Stream AG, will be assuming the function of president of the board of trustees. Members of the foundation’s executive committee serve on a volunteer basis.

Establishing the foundation is an outcome that was agreed between Nord Stream AG and the environmental associations BUND Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and WWF Germany in spring 2010 in connection with the construction of the Nord Stream Pipeline. This agreement was taken after it was determined that there were no further specific environmental protection measures that Nord Stream could have voluntarily taken. On the whole, the establishment of the foundation is a logical and consistent complement to the environmental activities that Nord Stream has put in place with regard to the construction and operation of the pipeline within the German stretch of the project.


Source: nord-stream , April 1 , 2011;