Scottish Government Announces Tender for Seabed Studies (UK)

Business & Finance


The specification sets out the terms of reference for the research project: refining sea-bed process models for aquaculture.

The project will consider the physical processes determining the distribution of solid wastes from marine aquaculture and the resulting ecosystem response as represented in the DEPOMOD particle-tracking benthic impact model.

Primarily, the project will examine the existing calibrated parameterisation of the modelled processes within the context of the range of values extant at current and proposed developments and to establish the scope for revising default values and, as appropriate, propose protocols for adopting site-specific or spatially-varying definition.

Additionally, the model is to be recoded to remove dependence on third-part software. The deadline for tender is 26. April 2011.


Source: Scottish Government ,March 16, 2011; Image: sintef