Greatship Limited Delivers ‘Greatship Rashi’ Platform/ROV Support Vessel (Sri Lanka)



Greatship (India) Limited (GIL), a subsidiary of The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited has taken delivery of GREATSHIP RASHI, a Platform/ROV Support Vessel, from Colombo Dockyard Plc, Sri Lanka.

Greatship Rashi is a Class II DP vessel and has been built complying with the new SPS Code 2008 and Environmental Protection & Crew Comfort notations of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, capable of supporting offshore exploration and production. Greatship Rashi is specially fitted out for supporting 2 Work Class ROVs, 35 Ton deep sea winch and A frame and 10T offshore crane.

With the delivery of Greatship Rashi, GIL and its subsidiaries currently own and operate four PSVs, seven AHTSVs, three MPSSVs, three ROVSVs and two jack up rigs. GIL and its subsidiaries also have an order book of seven vessels – two MSVs in India, three ROVSVs in Sri Lanka and two 150 TBP AHTSVs in Singapore and one 350 feet jack up rig in Dubai.


Source: greatship,March 15, 2011;