Fugro to survey Inpex’s Abadi LNG project in Indonesia

Business & Finance

Japanese oil and gas company Inpex has awarded Fugro a large marine survey contract for the Abadi liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Indonesia.

Image: Fugro
Image: Fugro

Fugro said on Thursday that it would perform geophysical and geotechnical surveys and the associated studies needed to support front-end engineering design (FEED) for offshore production facilities and the subsea pipeline to the onshore LNG terminal.

The company added that the survey contract was awarded by Inpex Masela Ltd., a subsidiary of Inpex.

Geo-data will be acquired using Fugro’s deepwater autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Echo Surveyor and the robotic seafloor drill, Seafloor Drill 2, deployed from Indonesian support vessels.

The Abadi LNG project is based on an onshore LNG development scheme that Inpex as the operator is preparing for development in partnership with Shell in the Masela block, offshore Indonesia.

Inpex and Shell will develop Abadi via an offshore production facility and a 9.5 million tonnes per annum (mmpta) onshore LNG plant, at an estimated cost of $20 billion.

Jerry Paisley, Fugro’s business line director for the Asia Pacific region, said: “We are pleased to once again support Inpex, a company that understands the value provided by our geo-data expertise.

“This is particularly valid for the development of the Abadi LNG project, where overcoming engineering challenges including slope stability, regional seismicity, subsea faulting, and carbonate sediments will require a collaborative and informed approach at each stage of the geo-data acquisition, analysis and advice.”

It is worth noting that Inpex signed memorandums of understanding with PT PLN Persero and PT Pupuk for long-term domestic LNG and pipeline natural gas supply from the Abadi LNG project offshore Indonesia in late February.

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