Fishermen’s Energy Still Moves Forward

Research & Development

Fishermen’s Energy of New Jersey is eyeing the Clemson University’s SCE&G Energy Innovation Center as a place where the company could test the drivetrain of its wind turbine, which is planned to be used in the Fishermen’s Energy Atlantic City Windfarm (FACW) project.

Fishermen’s Energy Still Moves Forward

The proposed project was rejected a few days ago by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU), but The Post and Courier cites CEO of Fishermen’s Energy Paul Gallagher as saying that the BPU’s decision is only a part of a “complicated puzzle”. Namely, the company had been selected as one of the seven offshore wind developers to receive $4 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the engineering, design and permitting phase of their projects.

In May, the DOE will further select up to three of these projects for follow-on phases that focus on siting, construction, and installation. These projects will receive up to $47 million over four years.

If Fishermen’s Energy is selected as one of these developers in May, its offshore wind project off the coast of Atlantic City will get a big push toward realization.

Offshore WIND Staff, April 11, 2014; Image: Clemson University Restoration Institute