Siem Offshore clinches work for AHTS trio in Australia

Siem Offshore has won one-year contracts for three anchor handlers in Australia.

Illustration only: Siem Pearl – Image by Peulle / Wikimedia – Shared under CC BY-SA 4.0 license

The Norwegian vessel owner said the AHTS trio would support an upcoming drilling campaign of an oil and gas company in Australia. Siem Offshore did not reveal the name of the client.

The contract duration for each vessel is 365 days + options and with the start in the first quarter of 2020.

Siem did not say which vessels would be used for the operation, nor did it reveal the value of the contract.

Siem Offshore had 10 AHTS vessels with one vessel in a lay-up at the end of 3Q 2019 – the last reported quarter. During the quarter the AHTS fleet earned operating revenues of $17.9 million based on 80% utilization excluding vessels in lay-up.

At the end of the quarter, Siem had four vessels in Australia, of which three anchor handlers (Siem Topaz, Siem Amethyst, Siem Aquamarine) and one PSV (Siem Tiima).

Offshore Energy Today Staff

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