TechnipFMC hired to build gas pipeline in Vietnam

Business & Finance
Illustration: A pipelay vessel; Source: TEchnipFMC

Oilfield services provider TechnipFMC has been awarded a significant contract by PetroVietnam Gas for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the Nam Con Son 2 Phase 2 pipeline across Nam Con Son basin and Cuu Long basin in Vietnam.

For TechnipFMC, a “significant” contract is worth between $75 million and $250 million.

TechnipFMC said on Tuesday that the scope of the contract covers engineering and installation of 118 kilometers of a rigid pipeline as well as the fabrication of subsea structures to tie back the existing Nam Con Son 2 Phase 1 gas pipeline to the Long Hai Landfall Station.

Arnaud Piéton, President Subsea at TechnipFMC, commented: “We are extremely pleased to have been entrusted with the Nam Con Son 2 Phase 2 pipeline contract.

“This pipeline collects and transports gas from several reserves to help meet the demand in Southeast Vietnam, and we look forward to collaborating with PetroVietnam Gas on this project.”

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