RWE Disappointed with Lincolnshire Council’s Move

Authorities & Government

Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm developer, RWE, voiced its disappointment at the Lincolnshire County Council’s letter to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

RWE Disappointed with Lincolnshire Council’s Move

“Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) have suggested that RWE Innogy UK has approached the community consultation for this project with ‘incomplete information’, despite agreeing a revised timetable with RWE Innogy UK for the provision of the requested information,” Jacob Hain, Project Manager for Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm said in a statement.

Mr. Hain stressed out the effort made by his company in informing and engaging the local community in the site selection process, including landowners, parish councils and businesses.

He concluded: “Lincolnshire County Council have already raised their concern about the decision to de-couple the Electrical System application from the wider Offshore Wind Farm, both to RWE Innogy UK and the Secretary of State. However, the Secretary of State was “satisfied that it was not necessary or indeed possible for (RWE) to submit detailed information about the anticipated grid connection for the proposal as part of the (Offshore) Application.”

Offshore WIND staff, May 21, 2014; Image: RWE