Damen to refit Stena Don semi-sub

Exploration & Production

Damen Verolme Rotterdam has been awarded a contract by Stena Drilling for a refit of its drilling rig Stena Don.

Stena Don rig (Image by Damen Shipyards)
Stena Don rig (Image by Damen Shipyards)

The semi-submersible drilling rig will in Rotterdam in October 2018 where it is expected to remain there for around three months.

Under the contract, Damen will install an eight-point mooring system prior to the rig being deployed off the UK’s Shetland Islands.

The eight-point mooring system will enable the rig to operate over a wider range of water depths and remain longer on station than before, particularly in adverse weather conditions, and will also make it more fuel efficient by not relying solely on the DPS, Damen said.

Damen Shipyards Mangalia is fabricating the anchor chain blisters and sponsons weighing 1,200 tonnes in all.

Other components of the system that are being prepared include eight anchor winches and the fairleads, plus the winch control cabins which will be supplied by Rolls Royce A.S. Modified VFD switchboards and brake resistor units will be delivered by Siemens A.S. The eight ultra-high-holding power anchors are being supplied by Damen Anchor and Chain Factory, Damen said in a statement on Thursday.

In addition to the mooring system, the yard will also strengthen to the hull to comply with the new regulations regarding the mitigation of wave impact forces.

“We are thrilled with this project”, said Bas Loohuis, Commercial Director Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, “in which we will draw on the expertise of several parts of the Damen Group. Not only is it a fantastic project to have in our yard, but it also indicates that the oil and gas market is reviving. The North Sea seems to be one of the first areas that is showing light at the end of the tunnel.”