Dogger Bank Creyke Beck’s Examination Complete

Authorities & Government

The six-month examination of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck development consent order application by the Planning Inspectorate concludes today (August 18).

Dogger Bank Creyke Beck's Examination Complete

The examination started in February this year and included one open floor public hearing and an additional nine days of issue-specific hearings plus two site visits to the proposed landfall and onshore cable route.

The examination involved more than 30 stakeholder organisations and individuals with an interest in the project proposals and a total of more than 500 documents were submitted as part of the process.

Dogger Bank Creyke Beck consent manager Melissa Read said it was an open and thorough process with full involvement of stakeholders and interested parties.

“Forewind worked hard to agree nearly 100 statements of common ground with key stakeholders, ranging from environmental and technical organisations to local parish councils,” she said.

The examiners will now spend up to three months preparing a recommendation for the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, who will take a further three months to issue the consenting decision including, if approved, the final development consent order.

It is anticipated that the Secretary of State’s decision will be announced in February 2015.

Press release, August 18, 2014; Image: Forewind