Offshore safety watchdog looks into Njord A overhaul

Norway’s offshore safety body, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), has found two improvement points during an audit of load-bearing structures and maritime systems at Statoil’s Njord A platform which is currently being upgraded. 

PSA said on Monday that the two identified improvement points related to the use of software during verification and the visibility of technical responsibility among the project engineers.

The safety watchdog added that no non-conformities were found during the audit conducted on September 29 and 30, 2016, at Statoil’s premises in Fornebu.

The agency said in the audit report that Statoil plans to submit a new plan for development and operation (PDO) of the Njord field as the Njord A platform is currently being upgraded for use beyond 2030.

Statoil is the operator of the Njord field which has been developed with a floating steel platform, Njord A. The platform has an integrated deck with drilling and processing facilities, as well as living quarters.

The platform is now moored quayside at Kvaerner’s yard which is in charge of reinforcing and renovating it. Kvaerner was awarded the contract with Statoil to upgrade the Njord A platform in April this year. The dry dock phase is expected to last until the end of August 2017.

PSA told Statoil to report on how the improvement points will be dealt with by November 7, 2016, at the latest.