UK: DECC Seeks Offshore Project Supervision Services

Authorities & Government

The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has called for tenders for offshore project supervision services to ensure the provision of a new Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (OESEA3) and to manage the ongoing maintenance of completed SEAs.

Because of the specialist nature of the requirement the services of a contractor with extensive offshore environmental experience at the highest strategic level is required. The purpose of this requirement is to continue to manage the process by which these SEAs are maintained prior to licensing or consenting rounds, to produce a new SEA (OESEA3) and to manage and commission any related environmental studies required prior to completion of the licensing procedure.

Failure to do this work threatens the Departments ability to deliver secure supplies of energy to the UK and the achievement of renewable energy targets. Screening and Appropriate Assessments will additionally be required during each period of the contract, if any applications relating to a specific licensing round could potentially significantly affect the integrity of any site designated, or being considered for designation, under the Habitats Directive (EC/92/42/EEC) or the Wild Birds Directive (EC/79/409/EEC). These assessments are undertaken to satisfy the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive, adopting the approach set out in the Conservation (Natural Habits etc) Regulations 1 994 (as amended).

The contractor will need to interact with public consultees, regulatory bodies, NGOs, the industry and senior academics in order to make recommendations to senior Government officials. The contractor will need a proven track record in project management as well as wide-ranging knowledge of the offshore environment. He will also have knowledge of past, present and emerging industry practice, regulation and environmental issues. The contractor will need to be able to demonstrate independence and impartiality.

Deadline for the submission of tenders is October 13, 2014.

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Offshore WIND Staff, September 15, 2014; Image: DONG Energy (Illustration)