Triton Knoll Consultation & Exhibition to Start Soon

Research & Development

The statutory consultation on the Triton Knoll Electrical System proposals will run from 15th October to 19th November 2014. 

RWE has announced that it is now at a stage of the project where it can begin statutory consultation on the whole Triton Knoll Electrical System proposals ahead of submitting its application to the Planning Inspectorate in Spring 2015. The consultation will begin on 15th October 2014 and will be open to everyone including members of the public, landowners, environmental groups, parish, local and county councils and anyone who is interested in the project.

As part of that consultation, a series of public exhibitions will be held, which will give the chance to all those interested in the project to view RWE’s proposals and meet members of the Triton Knoll project team.

The consultation will run from 15th October to 19th November 2014, with the exhibitions taking place between 21st October to 26th October 2014.

Source: RWE