Barge Master system on Wagenborg’s Walk-to-Work vessel

Business & Finance

Barge Master is nearing the completion of the construction of the first BM-T40 system. On the 14th of October the Barge Master motion compensated knuckle boom crane pedestal was installed on the new Wagenborg Walk-to-Work vessel, designed and built by Royal Niestern Sander.

Barge Master on Wagenborg's Walk-to-Work vessel

The vessel and Barge Master system will be delivered in the first quarter of 2015. Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM), a joint venture of Shell (50%) and ExxonMobil (50%), will use the motion compensated crane for service and maintenance of gas production platforms in the Southern North Sea.

Frequent journeys

“Offshore platforms have become smaller and more flexible during the last forty years. They no longer have a resident crew or helicopter pads which means frequent journeys to and from the platform by vessel in order to perform maintenance work,” Barge Master says in a press release.

Barge Master says that with the new Walk-to Work Vessel these operations can be executed in a safer, more efficient and effective manner. The vessel is unique because multiple functions are combined for the first time in one design, Barge Master explains.

Easy transfer of goods

The vessel can accommodate 20 crew members and 40 service technicians, chemicals can be stored and transferred safely, and thanks to the T40 Barge Master system materials can be transferred during wave heights of up to 3 meters, the press release reads. Through utilizing new technology, Barge Master further says, NAM is able to safely continue harvesting gas on the North Sea with an extended weather window and less down time.

Barge Master develops and produces motion compensation platforms for the marine and offshore industry. The Barge Master T40 is capable of compensating an offshore knuckle boom/telescopic boom crane with a capacity of 15mT. The servicing of wind turbines or unmanned oil (rigs) platforms are typical applications of the Barge Master T40. The system is based on the same principle as the Barge Master T700: roll, pitch and heave are compensated, while surge, sway and yaw are fixated. The T40 is developed together with Bosch Rexroth.


Press Release
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