Vattenfall to Build Horns Rev 3

Authorities & Government

Vattenfall Wind Power has won the bidding in the process to build the offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3 outside the Danish west coast.

Now the company awaits approval from the Danish Parliament and EU.

With a total capacity of 400 MW, the wind farm will produce electricity for 450 000 households from 2017.

“This large, planned offshore wind farm will affect Vattenfall’s ambitions concerning wind power and especially our focus on offshore wind farms,” says Vattenfall’s CEO Magnus Hall.

With Vattenfall as owner of the concession for Horns Rev 3, the company gets a unique opportunity for synergies between several offshore wind power farms, according to Alberto Mendez Rebollo, Head of Vattenfall Nordic Wind Power operations.

“Our Control Center in Esbjerg today monitors more than 1000 wind turbines, offshore and on shore, and Horns Rev 3 will imply positive synergies in operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms in the Nordic Sea,” says Alberto Mendez Rebollo.

Offshore, Vattenfall owns 60 % of the wind farm Horns Rev 1, 80 wind turbines, and is currently building, together with Stadtwerke München, two offshore wind farms in the German part of the Nordic Sea: Dan Tysk and Sandbank. Besides that, Vattenfall is developing the wind farm Kentish Flats in the UK.

In total, Vattenfall owns approximately 1800 MW, of which 1000 MW are offshore.
