European Energy Plans 560MW in Danish Nearshore Projects

Business & Finance

European Energy Plans 560MW in Danish Nearshore Projects

Danish renewable energy company European Energy A/S has handed in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for the Omø South nearshore project of up to 320 MW on March 3. The EIA report for the Jammerland Bay nearshore project of 240 MW is expected to be handed in by May.

The EIA report for the Omø South project, located between Omø and Lolland’s northern shore, holds two conceivable scenarios: One of 320 MW with 40 turbines of 8 MW and 200 meters in height and another, more plausible scenario, with 80 turbines of 3 MW and 150 meters in height.

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It has taken two years to reach a ready-to-hand-in EIA report. The EIA report for Jammerland Bay will follow shortly.

Thus, European Energy is behind applications for a combined capacity of up to 560 MW. The company also said that it will apply for participation in the recently published tender for nearshore wind farms.

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“By building a cluster of larger wind farms near the shore with an ideal combination of sea depth, sea floor conditions, wind resources and service expenditure, we have a strong business plan that ensures good business for us and our partners. At the same time we provide a significant contribution to Denmark’s 2020 and 2050 goals on sustainable power for the Danish consumers,” says Ian Wallentin, Senior Project Manager at European Energy.

Last year European Energy formed two joint ventures with NIBC on the Omø South project and Boralex on the Jammerland Bay project, respectively. Both projects are open for additional investors for the construction and operation phase, the company highlighted.

Image: European Energy