Expro Bags Well Services Contract Offshore Australia

Business & Finance

Expro Bags Well Services Contract Offshore Australia

Leading international oilfield service provider Expro will provide a full well services contract to a large operator in Australia in a multi-million dollar contract estimated in the region of $20million (£12.8miilion).

Expro will provide well test, wireline, surface sampling, drill stem testing (DST) and downhole memory gauges in a large scope of work encompassing several high rate gas development projects and including multiple exploration and appraisal (E&A) wells in the North West shelf of Australia.

The primary elements of the contract include a 6-3/8” simplified subsea landing string and a 7-3/8” subsea test tree to be deployed on three developments. A high rate well testing package will be supplied to clean up these wells before hand over to production.

Work is due to commence shortly on the contract that will continue until December 31 2014, and involve services on both an ongoing and specific ‘call out’ basis as required.

Expro’s business development manager for Australia, Matt Donald, said: “Our successful track record in the challenging and highly regulated North West shelf in Australia is testament to an investment in our people, performance and partnerships.

“We specifically leveraged our large bore subsea expertise and successful track record with this customer in a contract award that nurtures a close working alliance with one of our key customers.

 “The contract is of particular significance to Expro as we have been chosen to provide the full range of well flow management services which will allow us to introduce other products and services from our core strengths in E&A well testing.”

Source: Expro, June 18, 2012