‘Thor’ Thunders Into Port of Oostende. Works on Thornton Bank OWF.

Ports & Logistics

This week, the Port of Oostende welcomed the jack-up vessel Thor for the first time. For the next 3 months, Thor will conduct general maintenance on the C-Power (Thornton Bank) offshore wind farm from the Rebo terminal.

A few weeks ago, the seasonal maintenance works started on three offshore wind farms: C-Power, Belwind and Northwind.

Besides large installation ships that regularly enter the Port of Oostende, there are also daily sailings of smaller maintenance ships. From mid-February until now, the Port of Oostende counted 247 sailings of service vessels.

The service provided to the offshore wind industry has become the main activity for the Port of Oostende.

From the Rebo terminal, the three aforementioned wind farms are operated and maintained. The continuous operation of these parks offers 200 permanent jobs, the port said.

Image: Port of Oostende