Brazil’s OSX Receives Americas Oil & Gas Deal of the Year Award for FPSO Financing

Business & Finance

OSX Receives Oil & Gas Deal of the Year Americas Award

OSX was awarded the Americas Oil & Gas Deal of the Year, at the Project Finance International Awards for raising an US$ 850 million loan for the construction and implementation of the FPSO OSX-2. The financing agreement was concluded with a group of international banks in October 2011.

The event will be held on January, 25th at The Hilton, in London. Considered the industry’s premier event on the international calendar, the Project Finance International Awards will bring together over 500 top industry executives to celebrate worldwide excellence in financial projects during the course of 2011.

“This financing for OSX-2, under the current credit scenario of the global economy, reaffirms the solidity and consistency of OSX’s projects. This negotiation reinforces the substantial relationships that OSX has been building with important global financial institutions. We are very pleased with this additional milestone reached by our Company, which enables the timely completion of the construction of OSX-2, “ said Roberto Monteiro, OSX’s CFO and IRO.In 2011, OSX received two international awards for the financing operation of the FPSO OSX-1,in the amount of $ 420 million. The “Deal of the Year” – 2010 in the “Project Finance” category awarded by “Marine Money” magazine in New York, and “Jane’s Transport Finance Awards” in the “Shipping Debt Deal of the Year-South America” category in London.

Offshore Energy Today Staff, January 23, 2012; Image: OSX