UK: Aquaterra Energy to Supply HP Drilling Riser to Global Operator

Business & Finance

UK: Aquaterra Energy to Supply HP Drilling Riser to Global Operator

Aquaterra Energy has been awarded a fourth contract to supply a High Pressure Drilling Riser in as little as 18 months. The multi-million dollar contract firmly secures Aquaterra as the leading Drilling Riser supplier to the offshore industry.

A brand new High Pressure Drilling Riser will be supplied to a global operator for their drilling operations in the North Sea. Eight subsea wells will be drilled from a harsh environment jack-up. To allow these wells to be safely drilled and completed, Aquaterra will provide a 5,000 psi rated, 21″ full bore drilling riser system complete with subsea Vetco H4 connector. This will provide a conduit from the subsea wellhead/tree to the rig’s surface BOP.

Aquaterra Energy’s success in the Riser market stems from their ability to provide a complete HP Riser system delivery team in one location, offering all the required services from analysis to operation.

Aquaterra Director, James Larnder, commented: “Aquaterra are the High Pressure riser provider with the most rounded in-house skill set within the market. We have the skills to engineer an entire project from start to finish, providing the complete solution to a customer.”

Aquaterra will supply a new build riser to eradicate unknown history, maintenance, damage and fatigue. Aquaterra will also ensure a strict maintenance and inspection criteria is followed with fatigue monitoring, which is unique in the market. The market leading Merlin Connector from Oil States will also be used.

Source: Aquaterra Energy , October 28, 2011