USA: TrialGraphix Completes Graphic Presentation on Macondo Disaster

Business & Finance

TrialGraphix, a litigation consulting business unit of Kroll Ontrack specializing in jury consulting, graphic design, presentation technologies and trial preparation solutions, today announced the completion of its animation and graphic presentation work on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, established in May 2010 by President Barack Obama, enlisted TrialGraphix to create animations and graphic illustrations to help the Commission depict the complex and relevant facts concerning the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and to assist the Commission in conveying their recommendations for future spill mitigation including changes to federal laws, regulations and industry practices.

Specifically, TrialGraphix collaborated with the Chief Counsel’s investigation team to create animations and graphics for their live hearing presentations, which took place on Nov. 8-9, 2010 in Washington, D.C. After the live hearing presentations, TrialGraphix worked with the Chief Counsel’s investigation team to design, illustrate and edit a supplemental report that was released on Feb. 17, 2011. This 371-page report included hundreds of graphic illustrations and 15 narrated animations supporting the investigation team’s findings.

“From showing what an offshore oil well looks like to explaining the oil pore pressure and fracture gradient, basic and complex graphics and animations were required to depict the facts of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill,” said Fred H. Bartlit, Jr., chief counsel of the investigation team. “Working tirelessly to create clear and effective illustrations and animations, we could not have explained the Macondo blowout to the level of detail we did without the help of the TrialGraphix experts. The results speak for themselves.”

“Compelling visual presentations are extremely useful in conveying and communicating difficult concepts and theories,” said Megan O’Leary, design director of TrialGraphix. “It was an honor to assist the National Oil Spill Commission in their quest for the root cause of this disaster and as they made recommendations for future disaster mitigation.”

The Legal Technologies & Consulting division of Kroll Ontrack provides corporations, law firms and government agencies with technology and consulting services for large-scale paper and electronic discovery, computer forensics, and litigation readiness and incident response matters. Through the acquisition of TrialGraphix (September 2007), the leader in jury consulting and trial presentation services and technology, Kroll Ontrack now offers a wide range of trial services such as jury research; witness preparation; trial consulting; graphics; and presentation technology for mediations, arbitrations, and trial. Helping clients quickly and cost-effectively find, review, manage, produce and present relevant evidence, Kroll Ontrack has been recognized as the leading electronic discovery provider by the Am Law Tech Survey for eight consecutive years.

For more info click HERE.

Source:BusinessWire , June 7, 2011;