Norway: Ulstein’s Stand at Nor-Shipping Attracts Interest


ULSTEIN’s stand at Nor-Shipping has been bustling since the exhibition opened in Oslo on Tuesday this week.

On the first day of the exhibition, ULSTEIN launched a new App for iPad containing material from publications, films from naming ceremonies and tank tests, as well product sheets. The App can be downloaded free of charge on App Store.

“In just a few hours ULSTEIN’s App has become the second most downloaded free App in the world. We wish to use new tools and channels to communicate with our target groups. In just one day over 200 persons downloaded the App, says public relations manager in ULSTEIN, Lene Trude Solheim.

Nor-Shipping is bi-annual maritime exhibition with exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.


Source:Ulsteingroup , May 25, 2011;