Chevron Selects Bluestream Offshore for Diving and ROV Works in Dutch North Sea

Business & Finance


Bluestream Offshore B.V. has been awarded a contract by Chevron Transportation B.V. to execute diving and ROV work for the installation of a riser at A-12 and spools at the A-12 platform and B-13 platform.

Chevron Transportation BV is developing the B13 field. The gas reserves are accumulated in the B10 and B13 blocks located in the North region of the Dutch North Sea and were discovered in the early 1970s. The new B-13-A platform has been installed approximately 250km north of Den Helder.

The B-13-A platform will be tied back to the Chevron operated A-12 Central Processing Platform (CPP) by means of a 16” 22.2 km gas export pipeline.

Offshore installation work has started april 2011, using the DP II DSV “Skandi Inspector” having a 50MT crane capacity, 540m2 work deck, a ROV system and an IMCA approved Surface Air Diving spread suitable for diving to 50msw.

All Diving and ROV operations are undertaken within the North Sea located on the Dutch Continental shelf with a working depth of approximately 30 meters on the A12 location and 44 meters on the B13 location.

Bluestream Offshore B.V. has installed the tie-in riser at A-12-CPP to the inside of the A-12 jacket. The riser is supported by newly installed riser support clamp which is bolted onto stubs present at jacket leg B2.

At the moment of publising the pipeline end located in the target box at the B-13-A platform needs to be connected to the platform riser by using two 16” rigid spoolpieces. At the A-12-CPP also two 16” rigid spoolpieces need to be installed for the tie-in to the new riser.


Source: Bluestream Offshore, May 20, 2011;