Norwegian Sea: Statoil Allowed to Use Morvin Facilities

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has granted Statoil consent to use the facilities on the Morvin field in the Norwegian Sea.

The consent also covers new process equipment on the Åsgard B facility. Morvin is located in block 6506/11 in the Norwegian Sea, 20 km north of the Kristin field and 15 km west of Åsgard B. This high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) oil field is part of production licences 134 B and C. The field is being developed with a seabed solution with two well templates and a total of four production wells. The wellstream is routed via pipeline to Åsgard B for processing and export.

The development also entails modifications of process equipment on the Åsgard B facility:

* New flowlines

* Upgrades of the hydrate injection system

* New chemical injection pumps

* New hydraulics package for the seabed installations

* Power supply system for direct electric heating

* Gas outlet from the gas injection system to gas lift on the riser base

* Upgrade of metering system on test separator

The Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) of Morvin was approved in April 2008. The plan calls for the first Morvin production well to be ready for production in August 2010. Statoil is the operator of Morvin, with an ownership interest of 64 per cent. The other licensees are Eni (30 per cent) and Total (6 per cent).


Source: Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, June 24, 2010