
CargoX Becomes Observer of EU’s Digital Transport & Logistics Forum

Business & Finance

CargoX, a Slovenia-based supplier of blockchain solutions for logistics, has become an observer of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF), an initiative forum established by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission.

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“We are looking forward to providing to the European Commission … at its disposal, our … solution expertise, our full and complete knowledge and understanding, our vision, and the insights we have into the maritime shipping industry,” Stefan Kukman, founder and CEO of CargoX, said.

“We are further excited to provide an approach to digitalization based on the neutral, public blockchain, and the enormous functional and optimization potential offered by our solution for transferring and transacting maritime shipping, financial, and global trade document asset ownership.”

The DTLF is a consultative platform set up in 2015 which can influence the EU’s policy on transport.

The group of experts brings together stakeholders from various transport and logistics communities, from both the private and the public sectors, with a view to building a common vision and road map for digital transport and logistics.

DTLF’s overarching objective is to improve digital interoperability in logistics and freight transport across Europe.

CargoX offers Smart B/L solution based on the public Ethereum blockchain. It replaces old-school paper Bill of Lading documents and drives fast, safe, reliable and cost-effective processing of Bills of Lading anywhere in the world. The company plans to introduce a number of other products for the supply chain industry in the future.