COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers

Shell Marine Wins Marine Lubricants Deal for 5 COSCO Pulp Carriers

Business & Finance

Shell Marine has secured a contract to supply lubricants for five 62,000 dwt multipurpose pulp carriers that will be delivered to COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers in 2019 and 2020.

A new pulp carrier being built for COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers. Image Courtesy: Shell Marine

As informed, the lubricants contract calls for delivery of the two-stroke engine cylinder oils Shell Alexia 100 and Shell Alexia 40 and the multi-functional lubricants Shell Melina S30 and Shell Argina S3 40.

“We look forward to working with COSCO Shipping to optimise their vessels’ total cost of ownership and by meeting expectations for deliveries to an extensive list of ports,” Joris van Brussel, Shell Marine Global General Manager.

According to Shell Marine, Alexia 100 and 40 are cylinder oils protecting two-stroke engines across a full range of vessel operating profiles, machinery specifications and fuel sulphur contents, now and after the introduction of IMO’s global sulphur cap from January 1, 2020.

Earlier this year, Shell Marine introduced Alexia 40 that can be specifically used with engines running on 0.5% sulphur content very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). The product has been available for use in Singapore from June 2019 and is being gradually introduced to other main supply ports within the company’s global network before the sulphur cap enters into force.

China’s shipping company COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers is in the midst of its fleet expansion program which is in line with the company’s strategy focused on seizing opportunities in the global pulp market. In March this year, the shipowner ordered four identical 62,000 dwt multipurpose carriers at the abovementioned yard. This is in addition to the pulp carrier quintet and trio the company ordered in 2018 and 2017, respectively.