
Pirates Board Tanker at Anchorage off Guinea

Business & Finance

The 52,600 dwt chemical tanker Ance was attacked by pirates on September 16 while it was anchored some 5 nautical miles off Conakry, Guinea.

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Four pirates armed with a gun and knives boarded the tanker in the early morning hours, according to data provided by IMB Piracy Reporting Centre.

The perpetrators reportedly took the duty AB hostage, tied his hands and forced him to lead them to the bridge. Once inside the bridge the robbers took the duty officer hostage and forced him to lead them to the Captain, Chief Engineer, third officer and bosun’s cabins, IMB PRC added.

After looting the cabins, the robbers locked the crew in a cabin and escaped. Crew personal belongings, cash and ship’s properties were stolen, the report shows.

The operator of the vessels, Latvia-based ship manager LSC Ltd, emphasized that there were no injuries to the crew members adding that the entire crew is in “good spirit and health”. The company noted that there were no reports of damages to the cargo and the vessel following the incident.