Spliethoff Buys MPP Quintet from Hansa Heavy Lift

Business & Finance

Image Courtesy: Spliethoff

Amsterdam-based Spliethoff Group has expanded its fleet with five multipurpose (MPP) tween deck vessels.

As informed, the vessels were taken over from German-based shipping company Hansa Heavy Lift. They were built in China between 2008 and 2011.

The ships in question are the 12,750 dwt HHL Elbe, HHL Tyne, HHL Amur and HHL Mississippi and the 20,100 dwt HHL New York, to be renamed Hudsongracht, Humbergracht, Heerengracht, Houtmangracht and Prinsengracht, respectively.

All vessels will be reflagged to Dutch flag/register, Spliethoff told World Maritime News.

The Spliethoff Group, which comprises Spliethoff, BigLift Shipping, Transfennica, Sevenstar Yacht Transport, Wijnne & Barends and Bore, currently has a fleet of 103 vessels with a total market value of around USD 540 million, VesselsValue’s data shows.

Hansa Heavy Lift’s latest vessel disposal comes after the company filed for insolvency with the Hamburg District Court in December 2018. The decision was triggered due to “extremely challenging operating environment in the global shipping industry.”

Read more: 

Interview: Spliethoff to Equip Almost Its Entire Fleet with Scrubbers

World Maritime News Staff; Image Courtesy: Spliethoff