Finland: Mobimar Continues Outfitting Works on New Crew Transfer Vessel

Mobimar Continues Outfitting Works on New Crew Transfer Vessel

The welding works and the outfitting of the new type of trimaran hull vessel, intended for service-crew transfers to offshore wind farms, are going according to schedule. On Thursday, January 5th  the lifting of the deckhouse took place. It was attached on its fixed rubber mounts later that same afternoon. Now this newbuilding Nr. 1349 will enter the final phase of navigation outfitting.

Factory tests will be held later after connecting all vessel systems. Ice situation at Turku Archipelago will set the actual floating and sea trials date.

This new trimaran hull vessel will be 18m long and 8,5m wide. The rating of the main engine is approx. 750kW and cruising speed 20 knots. The hull of the vessel is made of aluminum and is ice-strengthened. The accommodation area is spacious for 12 service engineers.

Mobimar Ltd has been developing trimaran hulls for many years. The hull has been model-tested in VTT’s basin laboratory comparable with open water and in ice conditions. Tests performed by Aker Arctic has revealed that the hull shape, developed by Mobimar Ltd, breaks the ice with much less power demand than an equivalent sized mono hull ice breaker and still producing a wide and clean channel. Mobimar Ltd has received a world-wide patent for this feature.

The benefits of the trimaran hull are: small water resistance, an even and significantly wider work deck area compared with a mono hull vessel of same length, very soft and good sea-keeping properties even in harsh sea conditions. Because of these benefits the vessel is also very suitable for oil recovery, sea surveys and transportation of passengers.

The vessel will be delivered in the beginning of 2012.


Shipbuilding Tribune Staff, January 11, 2012; Image: mobimar