UK: Rolls-Royce to Deliver Engines for LNG Powered Tugs

Business & Finance


Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has signed a contract to deliver highly efficient engines and propulsion systems for the world’s first Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) powered tugs.

The two vessels have been ordered by Norwegian company Buksér og Berging AS and will enter service in late 2013 for Statoil, the international energy company, and Gassco, the operator of the gas transportation network off the Norwegian coast.

Robert Løseth, Rolls-Royce, Senior VP – Merchant, Propulsion Systems and Engines said: “This is a breakthrough for our Bergen gas engines and cutting edge propulsion technology. The choice our customer has made highlights the industry leading engine performance, fuel consumption and low methane emissions that Rolls-Royce can offer, which is now being applied to tugs. ”

In addition to two gas engines and an LNG tank system, Rolls-Royce will deliver an azimuth propulsion system for each tug, which will provide the quick and responsive manoeuvring that is critically important for tug operators. These tugs will be the first vessels to use the newly designed Rolls-Royce US35 azimuth thrusters, which have improved hydrodynamic performance and hull integration.

The combined power and propulsion system is estimated to give a reduction in fuel consumption of up to 30% compared to similar conventional vessels.

Rolls-Royce will also provide automation and control systems for the two vessels.


World Maritime News Staff, January 12, 2012;