Capesize Newbuild Handed Over to K Line

Business & Finance
Image Courtesy: K Line

Japanese shipping company Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) has launched and taken delivery of Capesize bulk carrier Cape Hayatomo from compatriot shipbuilder Namura Shipbuilding. 

The 250,000 dwt very large ore carrier (VLOC) is the first ship in the second generation of WOZMAX vessels at Namura. WOZMAX means an optimum size of a vessel which can call main West Australian iron ore loading ports and stands for “West” “OZ” “MAX”.

Cape Hayatomo, which features a length of 330 meters and a width of 57 meters, was designed for loading iron ores at mainly West Australia, Brazil and South Africa to Japanese steel mills. For example, the ship has seven holds and seven hatches which could improve efficiency for cargo loading and discharging operations, according to K Line.

The newbuilding, which flies the flag of Panama, currently has a market value of USD 54.5 million, according to data provided by VesselsValue.

K Line’s fleet currently comprises more than 530 vessels, according to the company’s website.