Mitsui Lines ISO Certified

Business & Finance
(Left) NK Executive Vice President Koichi Fujiwara (Right) MOLSHIP President Kazunori Furukawa
(Left) NK Executive Vice President Koichi Fujiwara
(Right) MOLSHIP President Kazunori Furukawa

MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd., has obtained certifications from Nihon Kaiji Kyokai (NK), for Energy Management Systems (ISO50001) and Environmental Management Systems (ISO14001).


NK Executive Vice President Koichi Fujiwara presented the certificates to Molship President Kazunori Furukawa in July 29 ceremony at NK headquarters.

Molship’s certifications, which cover ship management of dry bulkers, car carriers, and other freighters, as well as shoreside office operations, are the first ISO50001 certifications ever awarded by NK.

Mitsui Lines ISO Certified
Hybrid car carrier Emerald Ace

Molship has strived to improve the energy efficiency of its vessels, which include MOL’s concept vessel ISHIN series typified by the world’s first new hybrid car carrier Emerald Ace.

The company is also trying o prevent ocean pollution in ship management operations. The acquisition of ISO150001 certification recognizes the company’s ongoing work in these areas.

  • ISO50001 is the international standard related to energy management, stipulated in June 2011. It is based on ISO14001 requirements, and calls for operational reforms to improve energy performance.
  •  ISO14001’s basic structure is the PDCA system. This international standard aims at reduction of environmental risks, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and promoting ongoing improvement.

Press Release; July 30, 2014