Braemar Engineering Oversees Building of Six LNG Carriers

Business & Finance

Braemar Engineering has been appointed as shipping consultant to Bonny Gas Transport, the wholly owned subsidiary of Nigeria LNG (NLNG).

Braemar Engineering Oversees Building of Six LNG Carriers

Braemar Engineering will oversee the building of six LNG carriers, from design to delivery, with completion of the project anticipated at the end of 2016.

Steel cutting on the first of the project’s LNG carriers took place on April 25 at Samsung’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea. Four of the vessels are being built by Samsung and two by Hyundai.

Seven trainees from Nigeria were employed by Braemar Engineering early this year to take part in the programme.

Geoff Green, CEO of Braemar Engineering, heading up the initiative says: “This project is the fusion of Braemar Engineering’s expertise in the LNG sector with Nigeria LNG’s core values of integrity, teamwork, excellence and caring for people, to create a long term partnership offering benefits to both the industry and to the Nigerian community.”

Braemar Engineering, May 09, 2014