Luka Koper Takes the Helm of NAPA

Business & Finance

According to presidency rotation, from the 14th of April until the end of the year 2014, the presidency of NAPA is taken over (from Venice Port Authority) by Luka Koper and its recently appointed president, Mr. Andraž Novak.


Confirming that there is a very challenging year ahead, especially in terms of European issues, starting with the new financial perspective 2014 – 2020, the members of the association expressed full support to the new president.

“NAPA ports are perfectly aware of their opportunities as a multiport gateway,  within the coming EU programmes: CEF, Horizon 2020 and territorial cooperation,” NAPA said in a release.

In the coming months NAPA members will prepare a clear concept of priority projects targeting each EU programme in order to systematically and coherently stimulate actions supporting each ports’ development plans through innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development of North Adriatic ports.

Additionally, this year will be intensive also from the promotional point of view, as there are four major global transport events where NAPA will be present. Already at the end of April the association will be present in Marrakech (Morocco) at the 2nd Med Ports 2014 exhibition and conference where during the Session “The Mediterranean Economy – Emerging trends that affect regional trade” Executive Director of the Port of Rijeka Authority, Mr. Mezak will speak about NAPA’s activities through a presentation entitled “Performing an effective multimodal gateway to key European markets”.

At the end of May the association will take part in the 10th Trans Middle East 2014 in Doha (Qatar) while in mid-June NAPA will participate with its booth in one of the most important logistic fairs in China, the Transport & Logistic Shanghai exhibition. In October representatives will visit the 12th Intermodal Africa South 2014 in Durban.

Last but not least, NAPA has been confirmed as a best practice of cooperation and the European Commission, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) asked the NAPA Association to host a study tour of a delegation of Norwegian ports (namely  Kristiansand, Grenland (Porsgrunn), Larvik, and Drammen)  in order to analyze the governance model and think about NAPA transferability to their regions.

NAPA, April 17, 2014