Record Number of Operators Meet to Discuss Asia-Pacific Decommissioning Challenges

Business & Finance

Record Number of Operators Meet to Discuss Asia-Pacific Decommissioning Challenges

The criticality of offshore decommissioning and abandonment (D&A) in the Asia-Pacific region is manifesting itself with a record number of operators and regulators joining forces – just as the industry pivots towards imminent D&A activity.

The ASCOPE decommissioning guidelines are a key landmark in the region’s move towards managing its offshore liabilities – setting out a common approach to the technicalities of decommissioning. On top of this, operators are working closely with the regulators to develop their local D&A methodologies, including assessment of cost, environmental factors and the complete project lifecycle.

Now, in Kuala Lumpur, a collection of high-level regulators, operators and contractors are coming together from across the entire region to discuss exactly how to manage this complex array of factors in the most compliant and cost-effective way. Key stakeholders, with the power to control the project momentum, will all be represented at this DecomWorld workshop, including Petronas, PTTEP, Pertamina, Chevron, Shell, ExxonMobil, Woodside, Total and many more.

Sharing approaches, lessons learnt and best practice from more experienced oil and gas hubs, namely the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea, is also critical to the successful maturity of the Asia-Pacific. As such, global subject-matter experts, including Dr. Brian Twomey (Managing Director, Reverse Engineering) and Alan Stokes (Global Decommissioning Manager, WorleyParsons) will be taking active roles in delivering in depth training alongside renowned global contractors, including Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Tetra, Weatherford and many more.

Ground-breaking operator and regulator discussions at DecomWorld’s 5th Annual Offshore Decommissioning Training Workshop (30 Oct – 1 Nov, InterContinental Hotel, KL) will provide the framework to the training agenda, which includes a Regulatory and Legal panel session and a Cost-Estimation panel session – exploring two of the most topical, controversial and challenging D&A topics.


Decomworld, October 16, 2013