USA: Capital Corp Merchant Banking Works on Eco-Friendly Project

Business & Finance

Capital Corp Merchant Banking Works on Eco-Friendly Project

Capital Corp Merchant Banking, a U.S.-based boutique merchant banking group, has been working on this environmentally friendly project with its client and this spring came into a funding agreement to the amount of USD $41 million. Capital Corp has been increasingly working on eco-friendly projects as demand has grown worldwide for more efficient use of technology, energy, and better stewardship.

This patent-pending project makes better, more energy-efficient use of existing ballast water treatment technologies, resulting in a smaller energy footprint of the system and decreasing the ship’s power-capacity needs.

Ballast water means water, with its suspended matter, taken onboard a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability, or stresses of the ship. Ships fill their ballast tanks with water to provide stability and maneuverability during voyages when not carrying cargo, or carrying cargo that is too light, or when stability is needed to deal with rough seas. Ballast water contains a variety of biological materials that often include non-native, nuisance, and/or exotic species that can (and do) cause extensive ecological and economic damage to aquatic ecosystems.

In response to the challenge of treating ballast water for a broad range of ship types and sizes, suppliers of treatment technologies have started to develop and commercialize treatment solutions. According to Frost & Sullivan, the global ballast water treatment equipment market presents a massive growth potential for system vendors. The revenue forecast for such systems vendors looks to increase by 34% from 2013-2016 and by 64% from 2017-2020.

The funding structure Capital Corp Merchant Banking has devised consists of providing its client with $19M in common stock, $22M in debenture. The method by which this project is to be funded is the brainchild of Mr. Herard. Mr. Herard is a seasoned merchant banker and has been in the banking industry for 38 years. As the head of Capital Corp Merchant Banking, Mr. Herard has become a leading figure in international middle-market project financing and engineers all funding structures for projects at Capital Corp. Mr. Herard has received numerous awards for his work and other contributions including being appointed to the Presidential Business Commission, Honorary Co-Chairman of the Business Advisory Council, nominated as Executive of the Year by the internationally acclaimed National Register’s Who’s Who, and having received the Senatorial Medal of Freedom, among many others.

Capital Corp Merchant Banking, September 25, 2013