$40M fund for New Yorkers looking to build careers in green economy opens second call

$40M fund for New Yorkers looking to build careers in green economy opens second call

Human Capital

Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE), the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power cable project that will connect the Canadian border and New York, has opened the second request for proposals (RFP) for its $40 million fund dedicated to supporting New York State’s disadvantaged communities, low-income individuals, and transitioning fossil fuel workers to careers in the green economy.

Seen as the largest clean energy project ever constructed in New York State and the largest fully-buried transmission line in North America, CHPE will carry 1,250 MW of renewable energy, spanning approximately 339 miles (around 545 kilometers) from Québec to Queens, where it will provide 20% of New York City’s annual energy needs and power more than 1 million homes.

The $40 million, 20-year Green Economy Fund (GEF) is inviting applications for initiatives that link disadvantaged and low-income New Yorkers to good jobs in the green economy with sustainable wages, with funding available for direct training costs, wrap-around services, and general operating expenses, as well as efforts by organizations to build partnerships with employers, creating pipelines for participants in training or job readiness programs.

The GEF is also inviting applications from organizations offering critical support services to workers from target communities, which may include transportation, technology access, participant stipends, mentorship, and childcare, enabling individuals to connect to and sustain themselves in good jobs and training programs, and community colleges and other educational institutions that provide adult basic education and the qualifications needed for union apprenticeships and job training programs with employer partnerships in the green economy.

“The Green Economy Fund (GEF) is working to ensure that New York State’s transition to a green economy is inclusive and equitable,” said Laura Gibson, Director of Workforce Development at Transmission Developers.

“The programs and organizations supported by the GEF will play a vital role in providing the necessary training and support services to help individuals from disadvantaged communities build sustainable careers. We look forward to receiving proposals from organizations that will make a lasting impact on communities.”

This second RFP follows the distribution of $750,000 to four organizations serving disadvantaged workers in NY state that applied for funding during the initial RFP in 2023. The deadline for submitting applications is October 1.

CHPE broke ground on the transmission line in November 2022 in Whitehall, and in September 2023 on the Astoria converter site where the energy will enter the grid. The inaugural HVDC cable run was installed underground in January, and energy supply is expected to begin in 2026.

The project recently celebrated a construction milestone as cables had been floated across the U.S.-Canadian border marking the official start of marine installation work in Lake Champlain.